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Ecole d'Humanité

From January till April I will do an internship at the international boarding school, Ecole d'Humanité as the winter-sport department manager, snowboard, fitness and trampoline instructor and a ‘third family head.


Ladies Evening 2014

One of my first events was to organize an evening for all the young ladies of the Ecole d'Humanité to talk, learn and discuss about the theme: transformation, in the area of media and women.After two weeks of planning and organizing, mostly all the girls arrived at the location around 8 pm and were offered a drink and some healthy sweets. Followed by watching a short movie to introduce the topic. The transformation of the female body when a girl is becoming a young women, but also how the media transforms bodies with Photoshop into the 'dream' but unrealistic body. The whole evening was covered with interesting and touching though and words, and to see all of the girls from one high school to come together and dare to talk about such a difficult theme is very special.

Torch Run 2014

Every year there is a Torch Run at the Ecole d'Humanité and I had the honor to organize this special evening.Late afternoon all the students and staff members were kindly invited to come to the mountain restaurant to eat dinner. Dinner was followed by some games and as soon as it got dark outside, the first groups started to either ski or snowboard down to the school holding a torch.At the arrival, everybody was welcomed with a doughnut and warm tea. Additionally there was a big fire and some cozy music.

Ski Fest 2014

To end the winter school term a big closing party-day is organized. This year I was the organizer and planner.The whole day started in the assembly hall, where a short video was shown to introduce the day. Through out the day, in groups, snowflakes had to be collected by taking part in activities and receiving snowflakes. At the end of the day the team with the most snowflakes was the winning team. Following all students and staff members of the Ecole were randomly divided into groups wherein they had to decide who was going to do which task. Around 10 am everybody was on top of the mountain doing the organized races. At 1 pm there was lunch with hamburgers and some sweets. After lunch the prize giving took place and the three winning teams won big chocolate Easter bunnies. It was a total success and was very honored to organize such a great day for so many people.


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